Change ‘Licensed To’ information in Office 2011 & 2008

In the event that your name or company has been misspelt or changed, you can change this information in Office for Mac without uninstalling. Select your version below for instructions:

Office 2011

  1. Go to your User Library folder.
  2. Open the file
  3. Where is says the incorrect name, amend it to the correct value.
  4. Then click File > Save and quit the program it opened with.

Office 2008

  1. Go to the Applications folder.
  2. Open the Microsoft Office 2008 folder.
  3. Open the Office folder.
  4. Open the OfficePID.plist file.
  5. Where is says the incorrect name, amend it to the correct value.
  6. Then click File > Save and quit the program it opened with.


  1. Perfect !!!
    I have seen lots of stuff on the web on how to do this in 2008 & 2011 office for Mac
    None of it has worked – then I saw your post.
    Worked first time and so simple.
    A great solution for me where I have bought a secondhand macbook and want to switch it all over
    Many thanks

  2. Thanks, this worked! I have a new Mac and somehow I ended up with the wrong first name on all my software when my employer installed Office for me. I don’t know if it was an auto-fill issue or what, but this solved my problem.

  3. This is just the information I’m looking for BUT when I click on the “Office 2011” tab nothing happens, it doesn’t change to the “Office 2011” instructions? Can anyone advise?

      1. Go to your User Library folder.
      2. Open the file
      3. Where is says the incorrect name, amend it to the correct value.
      4. Then click File > Save and quit the program it opened with.

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